Below is a suggested list of quotes and encouraging bulletin inserts that can be used to direct the parishioners to the Office of Family and Sanctity of Life website and help in educating them about our different ministries.
Bulletin Inserts
Life Affirming Women’s Healthcare
Are you still looking for real solutions to real problems like PMS, repetitive miscarriage, PCOS, hormonal problems, infertility etc...? Do you struggle with infertility and hope to achieve pregnancy in a natural and effective way? Come and learn about the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare™ System and the reproductive science of NaProTECHNOLOGY®, a healthy alternative to IVF. Experience the Freedom of a True Diagnosis & a Natural & Cooperative Approach to Treatment With NaProTECHNOLOGY®. Check here for more information and check the cards in the vestibule.
Are you still looking for real solutions to real problems like PMS, repetitive miscarriage, PCOS, hormonal problems, infertility etc...? Do you struggle with infertility and hope to achieve pregnancy in a natural and effective way? Come and learn about the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare™ System and the reproductive science of NaProTECHNOLOGY®, a healthy alternative to IVF. Experience the Freedom of a True Diagnosis & a Natural & Cooperative Approach to Treatment With NaProTECHNOLOGY®. Check here for more information and check the cards in the vestibule.
You are precious!
Each one of us is created in a unique and unrepeatable way; we all have gifts and talents given to us in order to fulfill our mission. Don’t buy into the lies that say you don’t matter. You matter; Your life matters; every life matters and is precious, whether in the womb or aged. For more information about our ministry, check here and watch the video.
You can make a difference!
The Lord has blessed each one of us with the grace necessary to become the saints He is calling us to be. Fulfilling this task is almost impossible unless we abide in Christ in a personal friendship, receive the sacraments, understand and embrace the church teachings regarding many matters, especially marriage, family and life. To educate yourself and learn how to take action, make a difference, and become the best you can be, please check our website.
You are created out of love for love!!
You are not created in a vacuum designed to live in isolation on your own. You are created to live in communion with others. You are meant to receive and share love with them. The Trinity is our perfect example of communion of persons, the exchange of perfect love. Married love is designed to imitate the love of the Trinity. To learn more about married love, please check our family life ministry page here.
You are not alone!
If you are suffering from the loss of a loved one , if you are carrying a heavy cross, if you are struggling with a disease or infertility, if psalm 22 (“My God, why have you forsaken me”) has become your daily cry, know that you are not alone and that God is waiting to pour out His graces on you to heal your wounded heart and draw you closer to Himself. To learn more about healing and bereavement ministries, please click here.
Marriage was instituted by Our Lord to be a sacrament through which we receive the graces needed to overcome our differences and difficulties, to love each other sacrificially, faithfully, fruitfully, freely and totally every day until death do us apart. We know marriage requires that each person gives 100% which can be draining and almost impossible on our own. Find resources to enrich and strengthen your marital bond by clicking here.
Marriage & Infertility
"We often assume parenthood happens easily after "I do," but for many married couples, it does not. If you experience difficulty bringing a child into your family, know that you are not alone. God is with you, and his Church desires to walk with you." For more information about real solutions offered to couples going through this distress, please click here.
Be Empowered!
Discover what every couple needs to know, and what every woman has a right to know. Attend an introductory session about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System. These sessions provide in-depth information on a scientifically based system that helps married couples mutually value, respect and understand their combined fertility by promoting shared responsibility and marital bonding; system that empowers women to manage PMS, Menopause, infertility, and other health problems through NaProTECHNOLOGY, a reproductive science. For more information, contact Marise Frangie 914-393-8907 or [email protected] or check
Women’s ministry
“The world doesn't need what women have, it needs what women are” Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross said. Encouraging women to flourish and be who God is calling them to be is very essential. To help all ladies live up to their vocation, please check our women’s ministry page here for suggestions.
There is alternative!
There is an alternative to artificial methods of birth control and artificial reproductive technologies. Learn about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaProTechnology, a new reproductive science that is highly effective to achieve and avoid pregnancy, and offers couples who are experiencing infertility the hope of achieving pregnancy while following the teachings of the Church. Check out more here.
SPICE up your Marriage
Marriage is a roller-coaster, not a merry-go-round. It requires dedication, sacrifice, compromise and ongoing effort to make it a life long commitment. It is crucial to strengthen the marital bond between husband and wife to provide the best foundation for the family. To learn more about how you can enrich your marriage and add SPICE to it, check our marriage enrichment page.
Marriage and Homosexuality
There is no relationship on earth that can more perfectly mirror the relationship between the three persons of the Holy Trinity than the relationship between husband and wife. That’s why the Church holds sacred the marital bond between husband and wife. If you are struggling with same sex attraction, know that you are loved infinitely regardless of your sexual orientation and you can seek support and help through groups like Courage. For more information, check our Family and Sanctity of Life website.
A gift from God
The Church teaches us that sexuality is a gift from God to be cherished and respected. The two deeply inter-related purposes of sexuality in marriage (strengthening the mutual bond of husband and wife and procreation of children) can only be most perfectly fulfilled by understanding and embracing Natural Family Planning. For more information, check out our Natural Family Planning page.
Zero Divorce rate!!??
As we live in a culture that promotes separation over reconciliation, selfishness and self centeredness over compromise and sacrifice in married love, the divorce rate is skyrocketing except in the town of Siroki-Brijeg in Herzegovina where not one single divorce has been recorded among its 13,000 inhabitants. Check out our videos section about marriage under resources to find out the secret to this great success.
End of Life Decisions
The measure to love is to love without measure. This can be very challenging, especially when your loved ones are facing terminal illnesses and you wonder if ending their suffering is the loving thing to do. To learn more about end of life issues, to make the right and loving decisions, check out the booklet “Now and at the Hour of Our Death” on our end of life webpage
Into The Breach
“Men, do not hesitate to engage in the battle that is raging around you, the battle that is wounding our children and families, the battle that is distorting the dignity of both women and men.”All men are encouraged to read this powerfully worded apostolic exhortation by Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix, Arizona. You can check it on our Men’s ministry page of the Family and Sanctity of Life website.
Challenge to men
Our world is in desperate need today for good men leaders, men willing to lead the ship of their families to safe harbor in the midst of the waves of this culture of death. Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix, Arizona challenges men to join in a “primarily spiritual” battle against forces that are “progressively killing the remaining Christian ethos in our society and culture, and even in our homes.” You can check out his Apostolic Exhortation to Catholic Men “Into The Breach” on our Men’s ministry page of the Family and Sanctity of Life website.
Hope and healing
There are literally millions of women and men who, alone and abandoned, suffer some of the most serious psychological and spiritual consequences of abortion. If you are one of them, we understand and are here to help. There is hope. There is healing. There is a way out of your pain. You can find acceptance, healing and unconditional love in a safe, confidential environment. Please check our Post Abortion Healing page of the Family and Sanctity of Life website.
What are you saying Yes to?
Today’s culture promotes promiscuity, adultery, pornography, etc. People seek love in the wrong places and are often left empty and wounded. Say yes to this virtue!! Everyone is called to live it according to his/her own state of life whether married, celibate, single or religious. To learn more about what you are saying yes to when you embrace this virtue, check here our chastity webpage.
Real Solutions to Real Problems
Do you suffer from a series of symptoms regularly for 4 days and more during the premenstrual phase of your cycle like irritability, headache, fatigue, depression, teariness, etc? Are you looking for a treatment to this condition called premenstrual syndrome? Are you looking for a solution to a reproductive problem like Infertility? Miscarriage? Stillbirth? Prematurity? Recurrent Ovarian Cysts? Abnormal bleeding? Look no more and contact Marise for help to learn more about the Creighton Model Fertility Care System and NaProTechnology here.
Add SPICE to your relationship
The Catholic Church believes our sexuality is a gift from God, and that it is good. We needs to cherish and protect it and value its goodness. We don’t buy into the world’s view of sexuality, which focuses almost entirely on the physical and leaves people feeling empty and used, aware deep in their hearts that something is missing. The Creighton Model Fertility Care System teaches us that our sexuality is multidimensional and is referred to as SPICE. To learn more about SPICE and how you can add SPICE to your relationships or use it for self care, please check our SPICE page in Family Life Section
Called to love!!
We can’t live without love. Our lives are senseless and lonely if we don’t experience love, if we don’t participate intimately in it. Every human person has been given a vocation to love by God. Learn more about how you can express your love to others using SPICE here.
Grow in your relationships!!
We are all drawn to relationships where we can experience genuine love: friendships, romantic relationships, and ultimately marriage. We know this from our own hearts, which long for love. Learn more about how you can grow in your relationship with others by checking SPICE here.
Our vocation to love!!
We can’t live without love. Our lives are senseless and lonely if we don’t experience love, if we don’t participate intimately in it. Every human person has been given a vocation to love by God. We are all drawn to relationships where we can experience genuine love: friendships, romantic relationships, and ultimately marriage. We know this from our own hearts, which long for love. Learn more about how you can grow in your relationship with others by checking SPICE here.
Physician Assisted suicide or We all deserve to be treated with the same dignity despite everything.
Born without arms, John Foppe speaks to a way of life beyond independence, namely inter-dependence: Together we are more. Assisted suicide sells everyone short, so in times of illness or disability, John encourages us to “step into life!” Check out his story on our Sanctity of Life Page by clicking on Assisted Suicide
Each one of us is created in a unique and unrepeatable way; we all have gifts and talents given to us in order to fulfill our mission. Don’t buy into the lies that say you don’t matter. You matter; Your life matters; every life matters and is precious, whether in the womb or aged. For more information about our ministry, check here and watch the video.
You can make a difference!
The Lord has blessed each one of us with the grace necessary to become the saints He is calling us to be. Fulfilling this task is almost impossible unless we abide in Christ in a personal friendship, receive the sacraments, understand and embrace the church teachings regarding many matters, especially marriage, family and life. To educate yourself and learn how to take action, make a difference, and become the best you can be, please check our website.
You are created out of love for love!!
You are not created in a vacuum designed to live in isolation on your own. You are created to live in communion with others. You are meant to receive and share love with them. The Trinity is our perfect example of communion of persons, the exchange of perfect love. Married love is designed to imitate the love of the Trinity. To learn more about married love, please check our family life ministry page here.
You are not alone!
If you are suffering from the loss of a loved one , if you are carrying a heavy cross, if you are struggling with a disease or infertility, if psalm 22 (“My God, why have you forsaken me”) has become your daily cry, know that you are not alone and that God is waiting to pour out His graces on you to heal your wounded heart and draw you closer to Himself. To learn more about healing and bereavement ministries, please click here.
Marriage was instituted by Our Lord to be a sacrament through which we receive the graces needed to overcome our differences and difficulties, to love each other sacrificially, faithfully, fruitfully, freely and totally every day until death do us apart. We know marriage requires that each person gives 100% which can be draining and almost impossible on our own. Find resources to enrich and strengthen your marital bond by clicking here.
Marriage & Infertility
"We often assume parenthood happens easily after "I do," but for many married couples, it does not. If you experience difficulty bringing a child into your family, know that you are not alone. God is with you, and his Church desires to walk with you." For more information about real solutions offered to couples going through this distress, please click here.
Be Empowered!
Discover what every couple needs to know, and what every woman has a right to know. Attend an introductory session about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System. These sessions provide in-depth information on a scientifically based system that helps married couples mutually value, respect and understand their combined fertility by promoting shared responsibility and marital bonding; system that empowers women to manage PMS, Menopause, infertility, and other health problems through NaProTECHNOLOGY, a reproductive science. For more information, contact Marise Frangie 914-393-8907 or [email protected] or check
Women’s ministry
“The world doesn't need what women have, it needs what women are” Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross said. Encouraging women to flourish and be who God is calling them to be is very essential. To help all ladies live up to their vocation, please check our women’s ministry page here for suggestions.
There is alternative!
There is an alternative to artificial methods of birth control and artificial reproductive technologies. Learn about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaProTechnology, a new reproductive science that is highly effective to achieve and avoid pregnancy, and offers couples who are experiencing infertility the hope of achieving pregnancy while following the teachings of the Church. Check out more here.
SPICE up your Marriage
Marriage is a roller-coaster, not a merry-go-round. It requires dedication, sacrifice, compromise and ongoing effort to make it a life long commitment. It is crucial to strengthen the marital bond between husband and wife to provide the best foundation for the family. To learn more about how you can enrich your marriage and add SPICE to it, check our marriage enrichment page.
Marriage and Homosexuality
There is no relationship on earth that can more perfectly mirror the relationship between the three persons of the Holy Trinity than the relationship between husband and wife. That’s why the Church holds sacred the marital bond between husband and wife. If you are struggling with same sex attraction, know that you are loved infinitely regardless of your sexual orientation and you can seek support and help through groups like Courage. For more information, check our Family and Sanctity of Life website.
A gift from God
The Church teaches us that sexuality is a gift from God to be cherished and respected. The two deeply inter-related purposes of sexuality in marriage (strengthening the mutual bond of husband and wife and procreation of children) can only be most perfectly fulfilled by understanding and embracing Natural Family Planning. For more information, check out our Natural Family Planning page.
Zero Divorce rate!!??
As we live in a culture that promotes separation over reconciliation, selfishness and self centeredness over compromise and sacrifice in married love, the divorce rate is skyrocketing except in the town of Siroki-Brijeg in Herzegovina where not one single divorce has been recorded among its 13,000 inhabitants. Check out our videos section about marriage under resources to find out the secret to this great success.
End of Life Decisions
The measure to love is to love without measure. This can be very challenging, especially when your loved ones are facing terminal illnesses and you wonder if ending their suffering is the loving thing to do. To learn more about end of life issues, to make the right and loving decisions, check out the booklet “Now and at the Hour of Our Death” on our end of life webpage
Into The Breach
“Men, do not hesitate to engage in the battle that is raging around you, the battle that is wounding our children and families, the battle that is distorting the dignity of both women and men.”All men are encouraged to read this powerfully worded apostolic exhortation by Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix, Arizona. You can check it on our Men’s ministry page of the Family and Sanctity of Life website.
Challenge to men
Our world is in desperate need today for good men leaders, men willing to lead the ship of their families to safe harbor in the midst of the waves of this culture of death. Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix, Arizona challenges men to join in a “primarily spiritual” battle against forces that are “progressively killing the remaining Christian ethos in our society and culture, and even in our homes.” You can check out his Apostolic Exhortation to Catholic Men “Into The Breach” on our Men’s ministry page of the Family and Sanctity of Life website.
Hope and healing
There are literally millions of women and men who, alone and abandoned, suffer some of the most serious psychological and spiritual consequences of abortion. If you are one of them, we understand and are here to help. There is hope. There is healing. There is a way out of your pain. You can find acceptance, healing and unconditional love in a safe, confidential environment. Please check our Post Abortion Healing page of the Family and Sanctity of Life website.
What are you saying Yes to?
Today’s culture promotes promiscuity, adultery, pornography, etc. People seek love in the wrong places and are often left empty and wounded. Say yes to this virtue!! Everyone is called to live it according to his/her own state of life whether married, celibate, single or religious. To learn more about what you are saying yes to when you embrace this virtue, check here our chastity webpage.
Real Solutions to Real Problems
Do you suffer from a series of symptoms regularly for 4 days and more during the premenstrual phase of your cycle like irritability, headache, fatigue, depression, teariness, etc? Are you looking for a treatment to this condition called premenstrual syndrome? Are you looking for a solution to a reproductive problem like Infertility? Miscarriage? Stillbirth? Prematurity? Recurrent Ovarian Cysts? Abnormal bleeding? Look no more and contact Marise for help to learn more about the Creighton Model Fertility Care System and NaProTechnology here.
Add SPICE to your relationship
The Catholic Church believes our sexuality is a gift from God, and that it is good. We needs to cherish and protect it and value its goodness. We don’t buy into the world’s view of sexuality, which focuses almost entirely on the physical and leaves people feeling empty and used, aware deep in their hearts that something is missing. The Creighton Model Fertility Care System teaches us that our sexuality is multidimensional and is referred to as SPICE. To learn more about SPICE and how you can add SPICE to your relationships or use it for self care, please check our SPICE page in Family Life Section
Called to love!!
We can’t live without love. Our lives are senseless and lonely if we don’t experience love, if we don’t participate intimately in it. Every human person has been given a vocation to love by God. Learn more about how you can express your love to others using SPICE here.
Grow in your relationships!!
We are all drawn to relationships where we can experience genuine love: friendships, romantic relationships, and ultimately marriage. We know this from our own hearts, which long for love. Learn more about how you can grow in your relationship with others by checking SPICE here.
Our vocation to love!!
We can’t live without love. Our lives are senseless and lonely if we don’t experience love, if we don’t participate intimately in it. Every human person has been given a vocation to love by God. We are all drawn to relationships where we can experience genuine love: friendships, romantic relationships, and ultimately marriage. We know this from our own hearts, which long for love. Learn more about how you can grow in your relationship with others by checking SPICE here.
Physician Assisted suicide or We all deserve to be treated with the same dignity despite everything.
Born without arms, John Foppe speaks to a way of life beyond independence, namely inter-dependence: Together we are more. Assisted suicide sells everyone short, so in times of illness or disability, John encourages us to “step into life!” Check out his story on our Sanctity of Life Page by clicking on Assisted Suicide
Bulletin Quotes
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5).
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,
I know that full well. " Psalm 139:14
"If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you’ve obviously never been in bed with a mosquito." (Michelle Walker)
"Take care of brothers and sisters who are weaker ... the elderly, the sick, the hungry, the homeless and strangers, because we will be judged on this." Pope Francis
"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop." Mother Teresa
"As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.” Saint John Paul II
"Holiness doesn't mean doing extraordinary things, but doing ordinary things with love and faith." Pope Francis
“Fatherhood has its origins in God, and so we pray to you, Father Almighty, for those men who have adopted a child. Give them a mind receptive to your guidance, a patient voice, and a loving heart.” USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
“Novena to St. Joseph: For Those on the Path of Adoption”
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,
I know that full well. " Psalm 139:14
"If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you’ve obviously never been in bed with a mosquito." (Michelle Walker)
"Take care of brothers and sisters who are weaker ... the elderly, the sick, the hungry, the homeless and strangers, because we will be judged on this." Pope Francis
"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop." Mother Teresa
"As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.” Saint John Paul II
"Holiness doesn't mean doing extraordinary things, but doing ordinary things with love and faith." Pope Francis
“Fatherhood has its origins in God, and so we pray to you, Father Almighty, for those men who have adopted a child. Give them a mind receptive to your guidance, a patient voice, and a loving heart.” USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
“Novena to St. Joseph: For Those on the Path of Adoption”