"The transmission of human life is a most serious role in which married people collaborate freely and responsibly with God the Creator. It has always been a source of great joy to them, even though it sometimes entails many difficulties and hardships."
Humanae Vitae n.1
Natural Family Planning
Supporting God's gifts of love and life in marriage
Live the truth and beauty of
God's plan for married love!
Natural Family Planning
It's about love.
It's about life.
It's about freedom.
It's about gift.
"Celebrate and reverence God's vision of human sexuality."
Bishop Gregory 's Interview with Currents
in this interview with Currents, Bishop Gregory Mansour speaks briefly about Humanae Vitae and its tremendous impact in our world. The beautiful teaching of Humanae Vitae is an invitation ("the Church doesnt not impose") for all of us "to move forward with wisdom and understanding of the beauty of man and woman." It is a confirmation that the Church is " a church of yes" not "the church of no"; the Church offers a positive, natural, scientifically based, fulfilling and rewarding alternative to contraception, an alternative that respects the dignity of women and integrity of marriage. In his interview, Bishop Gregory refers to NaProTECHNOLOGY seminar that was conducted at Our Lady Of Lebanon Cathedral in collaboration with the diocese of Brooklyn on May 30 2017 with Dr Paul Carpentier. Other seminars were organized in May 2019 at the Cathedral with Dr Lenore Snowden and in March 2019 at St Maron parish in Philadelphia with DR Monique Ruberu. Videos of these three seminars and other presentations can be found here. |
This excellent video was created by Ascension for NFP Awareness week July 2019. Bobby Angel addresses the challenges of using Natural Family Planning. Does he really hate it? Watch it to understand his point.
"Natural Family Planning is an umbrella term for certain methods used to achieve and avoid pregnancies. These methods are based on observation of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman's menstrual cycle. Couples using NFP to avoid pregnancy abstain from intercourse and genital contact during the fertile phase of the woman's cycle. No drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to avoid pregnancy.
NFP reflects the dignity of the human person within the context of marriage and family life, promotes openness to life, and recognizes the value of the child. By respecting the love-giving and life-giving natures of marriage, NFP can enrich the bond between husband and wife."
Standards for Diocesan Natural Family Planning Ministry, p. 23
Is Natural Family Planning the same as the Calendar Rhythm Method?
No, it is not the same as the older and significantly less effective “calendar rhythm method” which estimates and projects the couples fertile and non-fertile phases by observing when these phases occurred in previous cycles. The NFP methods known today are scientifically based on the observation of the changes in the woman’s cervical mucus, temperature changes and/or other signs to determine fertile and non-fertile phases on a daily basis. |
Natural Family Planning accepts our fertility and does not suppress it. The use of NFP means an acceptance of the divine gift of fertility within marriage, wherein the couple monitors their fertility to determine fertile and non-fertile phases for the purpose of either achieving or postponing pregnancy.
Say NO to dumping those contraceptive chemicals in your body to stop it from working in the way it is designed for.
Say YES to natural means of fertility regulation and appreciation!!
- Any married couple can use NFP!! The couples are taught and educated in the method of their choice so they can understand and interpret their combined fertility. Then they can discern and use this knowledge to put it to use based on their intentions in achieving or postponing a pregnancy. The key to the successful use of NFP is cooperation and communication between husband and wife--a shared commitment. The use of NFP opens the door for a sacrificial way of life, a selfless way of love and a new lifestyle.
- The use of NFP is not only limited to married couples these days due to the different methods that exist in our time. Since some methods can help single women, married women and teenagers to monitor, maintain and evaluate their own gynecological health, it can be used at any stage of a couple’s and woman reproductive life. It can be used whether the women is in regular cycles, in irregular cycles, if she is coming off hormonal contraceptives, or breastfeeding, or experiencing difficulty in achieving pregnancy.
- All major religions including the Catholic Church accept the use of NFP to avoid pregnancy when couples have a sufficiently serious reason for spacing babies or limiting family size.
Also, the Catholic Church, some Orthodox churches, some parts of Judaism and an increasing number of Protestants are opposed to sterilization and the use of contraceptive or abortifacient drugs and devices. It should be noted that intrauterine devices (IUD), birth control pills, hormonal implants, patches, morning after pills, and injections can cause abortions as they change the uterine lining reducing the likelihood that the embryo can implant.
NFP is unique among the methods of family planning because it enables its users to work with the body rather than against it. Fertility is viewed as a blessing, a reality of life that is accepted, instead of a problem to be solved or a disease to be treated.
NFP is also an excellent tool for helping diagnose problems of couples suffering infertility. Treatment of infertility using NFP to monitor the fertility cycle has achieved pregnancy success rates of 70-80%. This holistic approach honors the integrity of the marriage act, respects the dignity of parents and children, and is consistent with Catholic Church teaching.
Is NFP it a natural method of contraception?
NO! It is a not natural birth control. The couple does not use any hormonal contraceptive or device or barrier to chemically alter, inhibit or destroy a man or woman’s fertility. The couple selects days of infertility to have intercourse if their intention is to avoid pregnancy. No barriers being placed, total gift of self, openness to life yet no pregnancy will result since the woman is not fertile.
Marise Frangie, Natural Family Planning Coordinator for the Eparchy of Saint Maron, is a Certified Creighton Model FertilityCare Educator, Supervisor and Practitioner, who teaches the Creighton Model FertilityCare System in English language primarily and Arabic, in person and online. For more information about The Creighton Model or the new women's reproductive science, NaProTECHNOLOGY, you can check Cedar of Lebanon FertilityCare Center
Creighton Model FertilityCare System: Ovulation Method
This is a mucus-only method that uses a standardized and detailed recording system to differentiate among types of fluids produced by the woman's body throughout her cycle.
Charting: Paper and stamps (Phone app coming soon!)
Class Type: One 90-minute intro session taught by a practitioner or practitioner intern, possibly with the instructor's spouse, in a group setting or individually, followed by approximately eight individual follow-up sessions with the practitioner over the next year.[Note: online instruction available] Couples receive regular individual attention and have flexibility in scheduling. The first few follow-ups are scheduled about every two weeks so that the couple can build confidence in the method. Subsequent follow-ups are after a longer period of time as a way to check-in to see how things are going as more cycles have passed.
Cost: [Note: the fees can vary depending on the center. Those fees listed here are for the Cedar of Lebanon FertilityCare Center]
$50, for Introductory Session only. When you register, you are only committing to attend the Introductory Session. At the end of the Intro Session, you can decide if you would like to learn the method for your own personal use, purchase materials, and sign up for a first follow-up session. If you choose to sign up to learn the method, there is an additional $25 for materials, bringing the total due at the Introductory Session to $65. However if follow up sessions are to be done online, it is recommended that a user manual of picture dictionary is purchased for $30. Follow-up sessions cost $60 each, with payment due at the time of each follow-up. Practitioners may be willing to work out a payment plan or waive fees for those with financial difficulties.
Materials Fees Include: User Manual and six months of charting materials. After six months, additional charting materials can be purchased for about $10/year.
Notes: If needed, offers seamless referral to physicians trained in NaProTECHNOLOGY for help with fertility concerns or other menstrual health issues.
Website: Visit creightonmodel.com or fertilitycare.org
Couple to Couple League (CCL): Sympto-Thermal (ST) Method
Observation Types: Basal body temperature, cervical mucus, and an optional cervical check
Charting: Paper, computer software, or smartphone app
Class Type: Live in-person, live stream (real time) online, or self-paced online. To learn in-person, couples attend three, two-hour classes in a group setting taught by a teaching couple to encourage male involvement. Classes are typically taught about a month apart. Private chart reviews are done with the teaching couple usually before or after the group session, and follow-up is available as needed once the course is completed. Optional postpartum and premenopause classes are also available. Visit here for more information on the online options.
Cost: $135 for each class type, plus shipping fees for materials.
Separate Postpartum and Premenopause Classes are also offered here.
Billings Ovulation Method
Observation Type: daily observations of any discharge that a woman feels and sees. With these simple observations, women apply the 4 rules to avoid pregnancy with high effectiveness.
Charting: paper or app
Class type: One 60-minute intro session taught by an instructor, usually in a group setting, followed by one-on-one follow-ups as needed until the woman is confident. The first few follow-ups will typically be every 2 weeks. Follow-ups will be conducted in person, via Skype, or on the phone.
Cost: The fees can vary from one place to another. Check with the provide.
To find a teacher in your area, click here.
New Apostolate for Couples Struggling with Infertility
Springs in the Desert is a new ministry that responds to struggles with infertility through accompaniment and discernment of new paths of fruitfulness. This ministry seeks to help couples process the pain of infertility and to discover the fruitfulness God has planned for their marriages. Visit their website where you will find personal testimonies and articles about this hardship and find God’s love through it: https://springsinthedesert.org/
"Life-Giving Love in an Age of Technology" (USCCB, 2009)
"It is estimated today that one out of six couples will experience infertility. The suffering of unanticipated childlessness is real. Spouses may feel they have somehow failed, that they are inadequate in a basic aspect of marital life. Their pain may even be aggravated by regret or guilt over past contraceptive use, sterilization, abortion, or other factors that can contribute to infertility. The sight of other couples' children may make them year for a child all the more and add to their distress. Infertility can affect a couple's sexual relationship and the stability of their marriage. It may even affect relationships with parents and in-laws who express disappointment at the absence of grandchildren. Catholic couples may feel this pain even more deeply as they hear the Church praise family life and teach that children are the 'supreme gift of marriage.'
In an age of advances in reproductive medicine, many solutions are offered to couples going through this distress. Some solutions offer real hope for restoring a couple's natural, healthy ability to have children. Others pose serious moral problems by failing to respect the dignity of the couple's marital relationship, of their sexuality, or of the child. The Church has compassion for couples suffering from infertility and wants to be of real help to them.
Healing restored Through NaProTECHNOLOGY and Diet Changes
NaProTECHNOLOGY uses the biomarkers of the Creighton Model FertilityCare System to recognize health and disease. These biomarkers are "an authentic language of a woman's health and fertility." NaProTECHNOLOGY identifies the problem, cooperates with the menstrual and fertility cycles, corrects the condition, maintains the human ecology, and sustains procreative potential. NaProTECHNOLOGY is of greater effectiveness than in vitro fertilization for helping infertile couples achieve pregnancy.
All NFP charting methods provide insight into a woman's fertility status. In many cases, changes in diet & lifestyle may be enough to improve fertility cycles and chances for conceiving and sustaining a much desired pregnancy. For more information on how your diet can affect your fertility, check out Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition: How Your Diet Affects Your Menstrual Cycles & Fertility
"It is estimated today that one out of six couples will experience infertility. The suffering of unanticipated childlessness is real. Spouses may feel they have somehow failed, that they are inadequate in a basic aspect of marital life. Their pain may even be aggravated by regret or guilt over past contraceptive use, sterilization, abortion, or other factors that can contribute to infertility. The sight of other couples' children may make them year for a child all the more and add to their distress. Infertility can affect a couple's sexual relationship and the stability of their marriage. It may even affect relationships with parents and in-laws who express disappointment at the absence of grandchildren. Catholic couples may feel this pain even more deeply as they hear the Church praise family life and teach that children are the 'supreme gift of marriage.'
In an age of advances in reproductive medicine, many solutions are offered to couples going through this distress. Some solutions offer real hope for restoring a couple's natural, healthy ability to have children. Others pose serious moral problems by failing to respect the dignity of the couple's marital relationship, of their sexuality, or of the child. The Church has compassion for couples suffering from infertility and wants to be of real help to them.
Finding Solutions Through NaProTECHNOLOGY
and Diet/Lifestyle Changes
NaProTECHNOLOGY uses the biomarkers of the Creighton Model FertilityCare System to recognize health and disease. These biomarkers are "an authentic language of a woman's health and fertility." NaProTECHNOLOGY identifies the problem, cooperates with the menstrual and fertility cycles, corrects the condition, maintains the human ecology, and sustains procreative potential. NaProTECHNOLOGY is of greater effectiveness than in vitro fertilization for helping infertile couples achieve pregnancy.
All NFP charting methods provide insight into a woman's fertility status. In many cases, changes in diet & lifestyle may be enough to improve fertility cycles and chances for conceiving and sustaining a much desired pregnancy. For more information on how your diet can affect your fertility, check out Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition: How Your Diet Affects Your Menstrual Cycles & Fertility
- “Embracing the cross of Infertility” by Dr. Marie Meaney
- “Life-Giving Love in an Age of Technology” by the USCCB
- Infertility Journey a booklet by Jeannie & Bruce Hannemann
- Waiting for Gabriel: Learning to Pray through Infertility
- The Infertility Companion for Catholics by Angelique Ruhi-Lopez and Carmen Santamaria.
- Dealing With Infertility by Julie Kelemen, discussing what the Church teaches about assisted reproductive technologies and offers comfort and advice on how to deal with the emotional, financial, and spiritual challenges of infertility.
- “New Hope in Infertility” by Dr. Anne Nolte, founder of the Gianna - Catholic Healthcare Center for Women.
- Facing infertility: A journey of faith, hope and love by Mary Louise Kurey
USCCB Guidance & Prayers
- Life-Giving Love in an Age of Technology: a statement published by the USCCB, November 17, 2009.
- Catholic Infertility Prayers
- General Infertility Prayers
Videos from Ascension Press by Jackie Francois & Bobby
Why We don't use Contraception in our marriage