Prayers for Eucharistic Adoration
This booklet was created and used at the Maronite Vigil For Life in past years. It can be downloaded as Word document, edited as needed and printed as a booklet. There are two versions:
- one with the Gospel of the Hemorrhaging woman in case Eucharistic Healing service will take place. It can be accessed by clicking here.
- one without the Gospel and the healing service. It can be accessed here.
- one with the Gospel of the Hemorrhaging woman in case Eucharistic Healing service will take place. It can be accessed by clicking here.
- one without the Gospel and the healing service. It can be accessed here.
Sorrowful Mysteries for Life
The Sorrowful Mysteries For Life along with the litany in response to abortion and other prayers for Life can be downloaded as pdf or Microsoft Word .
A Prayer for Life
Father and maker of all,
you adorn all creation
with splendor and beauty,
and fashion human lives
in your image and likeness.
Awaken in every heart
reverence for the work of your hands,
and renew among your people
a readiness to nurture and sustain
your precious gift of life.
Grant this through our Lord
Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in
the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever and ever.
you adorn all creation
with splendor and beauty,
and fashion human lives
in your image and likeness.
Awaken in every heart
reverence for the work of your hands,
and renew among your people
a readiness to nurture and sustain
your precious gift of life.
Grant this through our Lord
Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in
the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever and ever.
Word of Life January 2021
Word of Life is a monthly resource for dioceses and parishes. It is available in both English and Spanish.
Each month, you will find:
Each month, you will find:
- Feature of the Month
- Intercessions for Life
- Bulletin Quotes
- Bulletin Art
Resources on Respect Life Website
The Respect Life website provides lot of resources that be used throughout the year. You can access them , download, print, and reproduce them for use in your parish, or ministry to help build a culture of life. They can also be adapted for either in-person or virtual use.
The Leaders' Toolkit webpage provides tools for priests, deacons, catechists, youth ministry leaders and Catholic educators to help them in building a culture of life throughout the year.
Summaries of longer articles published previously can be found in different formats here.
The Leaders' Toolkit webpage provides tools for priests, deacons, catechists, youth ministry leaders and Catholic educators to help them in building a culture of life throughout the year.
Summaries of longer articles published previously can be found in different formats here.
Intercessions for Life
We can never underestimate the power of prayer!! Below is a suggested list of Intercessions For Life separated by topics. This list has been compiled from different resources among them the USCCB website and the Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of NY. For a printable downloadable copy (PDF), you can click here.
Religious leaders
For Pope Francis, and all bishops, priests and deacons that they may be strengthened to lead our Church into a deeper respect for life, and be witnesses to the goodness of life in Christ; we pray to the Lord.
For all bishops and priests that they will be renewed in brotherhood with one another and strengthened in courage and perseverance as they proclaim the dignity of every human person; we pray to the Lord
For all bishops and priests that they will be renewed in brotherhood with one another and strengthened in courage and perseverance as they proclaim the dignity of every human person; we pray to the Lord
Civil leaders
May our world leaders work humbly and resolutely for peace and the protection of all human life; we
pray to the Lord
For all elected officials that the Holy Spirit would inspire them to enact laws that defend and promote the right to life of all human beings, especially those not yet born; we pray to the Lord
pray to the Lord
For all elected officials that the Holy Spirit would inspire them to enact laws that defend and promote the right to life of all human beings, especially those not yet born; we pray to the Lord
For Christians & Religious freedom
For all baptized Christians, may the Lord grant them the grace to live out their baptismal call with renewed joy and to recognize within this call a need to respect all life from conception to natural death; we pray to the Lord.
That the right to religious liberty may be honored and upheld so that all may be able to worship and follow God freely, we pray to the Lord
As we honor Our Lady during the month of October, may she help us defend religious liberty and human dignity; we pray to the Lord.
For all those who take their religious freedom for granted, that they may realize it is God’s given right and gift to all of us and that they may work to defend and stop all attacks on religious freedom, we pray to the Lord.
General intercessions
For the world, that all people may recognize and treat each person as a masterpiece of God’s creation; we pray to the Lord.
In thanksgiving for the gift of human life and God’s love for each & every one of us, may we experience the joy of the Resurrection and praise our Lord for every human person; we pray to the Lord.
For those afraid to love, may the Lord take away their fear and give them the courage to give of themselves generously to the most vulnerable and needy; we pray to the Lord.
For all those enslaved to sexual sin, may Christ set them free by the power of his grace and help them to grow in the virtue of chastity; we pray to the Lord.
That the Lord would give each of us the grace to choose what is good and pleasing to God, especially in difficult situations when human life is threatened; we pray to the Lord.
That God might give us the grace to repent of all sins against life, to renounce all shadows of the culture of death and to rejoice in the Gospel of Life which God has given to us; we pray to the Lord
May we remember that we are not defined by our abilities, age or condition of dependency, and may we treat each person as the marvel that he or she is; we pray to the Lord.
For every newborn child, that their lives may be seen as a gift, and that parents may be given the grace to raise their children to know and love the Lord; we pray to the Lord.
For medical workers
For medical professionals, that their work may be rooted in a deep respect for life from conception to natural death; we pray to the Lord.
For medical workers who have renounced their involvement in abortion, may they obtain peace and consolation through the mercy of God, and may their conversions inspire others to respect the gift of life; we pray to the Lord.
For doctors and all who have assisted in the abortion of a child, or in the suicide of a person who was old or weak, that they might turn from the shadow of death and embrace the light of the Gospel of Life; we pray to the Lord.
For those who work to build a culture of life
For those working to build a culture of life where every person is welcomed as a gift from God, may they be strengthened through the grace of Christ; we pray to the Lord.
For all who work to develop a culture that welcomes and respects life, that their faith may be strengthened and their work bear fruit; we pray to the Lord.
For those who are discouraged in their work to build a culture of life, may they be renewed by the power of the Holy Spirit; we pray to the Lord.
Couples & Families in difficulties
For all couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage that, through the intercession of Saint Rita, they may do what is necessary to uphold the sanctity of their marriage and find strength, hope and healing in the Sacraments, we pray to the Lord.
For married couples who are experiencing difficulty in conceiving a child, may God comfort them in their suffering and may they find hope and healing in morally accepted reproductive techniques like NaProTechnology; we pray to the Lord.
For couples who are struggling with the cross of infertility, may the Holy Spirit fill them with trust in God’s loving plan and give them the grace to embrace this plan; we pray to the Lord.
For all couples who are using contraception in their marriage, that the Lord give them the strength and the courage to understand the truth and the beauty of their sexuality and embrace God’s plan for love and life through natural family planning, we pray to the Lord.
For all couples facing an unexpected pregnancy, may the Lord give them peace, hope and love for their child; we pray to the Lord.
For married couples and families who are struggling financially or living in poverty – that God would provide for their needs and increase their trust in Him, we pray to the Lord.
For families experiencing difficulties, that they may embrace life by embracing the peace of the Holy Spirit, we pray to the Lord.
For families whose homes have been darkened by miscarriage, that the light of Christ will pierce through their suffering and bring them hope; we pray to the Lord.
For all families concerned with how to provide for their loved ones, especially expectant mothers: May they turn to the Lord, trusting in His providence, and experience the support of the Christian community; we pray to the Lord.
For married couples struggling with infertility: may Jesus draw close to them in this time, and give them the grace to trust in His loving plan for their marriage; we pray to the Lord.
Marriage, Couples & Families
For all married couples that through their union as a husband and wife they will reflect the love that God Himself is, we pray to the Lord.
For all married couples, that they may be open to receive courage from the Lord to be open to new life; we pray to the Lord.
For engaged couples, that once married, they may use the grace they receive from the sacrament to live a true gift of self, we pray to the Lord.
That all engaged couples may recognize the high calling of their unique vocation to love one another as Christ loves the Church, we pray to the Lord.
For families everywhere to become living reflections of God’s love; we pray to the Lord.
For married couples: may they experience deeper unity in their marriage, and a mutual desire to receive all God’s blessings of life and holiness for them, we pray to the Lord.
For all expectant mothers facing difficult challenges, may Christ strengthen their faith and provide for their needs; we pray to the Lord.
For all mothers, may they continue to be blessed as fruitful participants in God’s love; we pray to the Lord.
For mothers considering abortion, that through the intercession of St. John the Baptist, who praised the Lord as an unborn infant, the Lord might give them courage to welcome the gift of their child; We pray to the Lord.
For mothers: may they know the beauty of their maternal love, and be refreshed this day in faith, hope, and love, we pray to the Lord.
Dignity of Women
For all women to become fully aware of the greatness of their mission in building the Church, we pray to The Lord.
For all women to embrace their vocation fully and to be true witnesses to the beauty and dignity of women, we pray to The Lord.
For all women, that they take Our Lady as an example for their lives and to resemble Her in Her docility to the Holy Spirit, Her humility and self-surrender to the will of the Father, we pray to the Lord.
Men & Fatherhood
For all men, that they may joyfully discover and live their spiritual fatherhood;we pray to the Lord.
For all men, that they may take Saint Joseph for their model of humility, courage, obedience, selfless love and chastity and be faithful husbands and fathers, strong leaders so that families everywhere may become living reflections of God’s love, we pray to the Lord.
For all men, that they may be faithful husbands and fathers, strong leaders and good stewards in the community and humble followers of Christ so that marriages can be built on strong foundations, we pray to the Lord.
For Fathers that they will be strengthened in their vocation to protect, guide, and love their wives and children, , we pray to the Lord.
In Thanksgiving for the Gift of Life
For our parish community: may each of us be given a renewed sense of wonder at the gift of our own lives, and find words to praise God the Father for this gift.
For all Christians: may our hearts be set aflame with love for the Lord of life, and embrace more fully the gift of life that we have been given.
For all Christians: may we hear today God’s call to each of us to be His beloved disciples, chosen and sent to bring His message of love and mercy to an aching world.
For Those Tempted to Abortion
For all pregnant women tempted to abortion: may they receive the support and encouragement they need to embrace the precious gift of their motherhood, we pray to the Lord.
For all women who are unexpectedly pregnant: may they be surrounded by loving community as they seek to welcome and support the new life of their child, we pray to the Lord.
For all pregnant mothers who are alone and afraid: may they know that Jesus is with them and for them, through the accompaniment of friends and family, we pray to the Lord.
For all pregnant mothers who are alone and afraid: may they feel the accompaniment of the Blessed Mother and be strengthened in their motherhood by her tender care, we pray to the Lord.
For new and expecting mothers and fathers: may they rejoice in the gift of their child and welcome them into their family with open hearts, we pray to the Lord.
For all couples faced with an unexpected pregnancy: may they see the hand of God in their life, guiding and providing all that they need to welcome their child as a special gift from Him, we pray to the Lord.
For our parish community: that we will offer our hearts, minds, and hands to God to be his instruments in welcoming and supporting all expectant parents who find themselves alone or afraid, we pray to the Lord.
End of Abortion
For all those who defend the unborn, that they may be persistent and faithful in their witness as they strive to build a culture of life; we pray to the Lord.
For all women facing an unexpected pregnancy, may they receive the necessary love and support needed from family and friends in order to open their hearts to choose life for their child; we pray to the Lord.
For children awaiting adoption, may the Lord inspire loving families to welcome and nurture them; we pray to the Lord.
For birthparents placing their children with adoptive families that they receive abundant support, we pray to the Lord.
Post-Abortion Healing
For those involved in post-abortion healing ministry, that the Father of mercy would fill them with the necessary grace and compassion to minister to those in need of healing; we pray to the Lord.
For those who have been involved in abortion, that they may experience love and mercy through the Churchand God’s healing power in the sacraments; we pray to the Lord.
For all who have suffered from the traumatic effects of abortion: that they may find peace in the love of Jesus Christ and be guided by hope to seek refuge in the Lord’s mercy; we pray to the Lord.
For those who have suffered the loss of a child to abortion, may they be comforted in their grief and know that God’s healing mercy is without limit; we pray to the Lord.
For men and women experiencing shame and hurt after participating in an abortion, may they have the courage to receive the Lord’s forgiveness, healing, and freedom; we pray to the Lord.
For the Vulnerable (Unborn, Sick, dying, poor, elderly..)
For the vulnerable in our society - the unborn, the elderly, migrants, and the poor, that they may be welcomed as gifts of God and treated with respect, dignity and love; we pray to the Lord.
For all who are ill and for their caregivers that they draw strength from the Sacred Heart of Jesus and join their suffering to the redemptive passion of Our Lord for the salvation of souls, we pray to the Lord.
For those who are poor, sick, unborn and elderly: that they may know the Father’s great love and healing power and that they may find acceptance and help through the care of our Christian community, we pray to the Lord.
For the terminally ill and their families, that they may be given comfort and support in their time of need; we pray to the Lord.
For those facing the death penalty and all affected by their crimes, may God’s merciful love bring about reconciliation and peace; we pray to the Lord
For the unborn, may they be welcomed into the world with love, joy and the support they need to flourish; we pray to the Lord.
For all of us, that God gives us His grace and love to be able to comfort the elderly who feel isolated and lonely and to meet the suffering Christ in the sick; we pray to the Lord.
For all baptized Christians, may the Lord grant them the grace to live out their baptismal call with renewed joy and to recognize within this call a need to respect all life from conception to natural death; we pray to the Lord.
That the right to religious liberty may be honored and upheld so that all may be able to worship and follow God freely, we pray to the Lord
As we honor Our Lady during the month of October, may she help us defend religious liberty and human dignity; we pray to the Lord.
For all those who take their religious freedom for granted, that they may realize it is God’s given right and gift to all of us and that they may work to defend and stop all attacks on religious freedom, we pray to the Lord.
General intercessions
For the world, that all people may recognize and treat each person as a masterpiece of God’s creation; we pray to the Lord.
In thanksgiving for the gift of human life and God’s love for each & every one of us, may we experience the joy of the Resurrection and praise our Lord for every human person; we pray to the Lord.
For those afraid to love, may the Lord take away their fear and give them the courage to give of themselves generously to the most vulnerable and needy; we pray to the Lord.
For all those enslaved to sexual sin, may Christ set them free by the power of his grace and help them to grow in the virtue of chastity; we pray to the Lord.
That the Lord would give each of us the grace to choose what is good and pleasing to God, especially in difficult situations when human life is threatened; we pray to the Lord.
That God might give us the grace to repent of all sins against life, to renounce all shadows of the culture of death and to rejoice in the Gospel of Life which God has given to us; we pray to the Lord
May we remember that we are not defined by our abilities, age or condition of dependency, and may we treat each person as the marvel that he or she is; we pray to the Lord.
For every newborn child, that their lives may be seen as a gift, and that parents may be given the grace to raise their children to know and love the Lord; we pray to the Lord.
For medical workers
For medical professionals, that their work may be rooted in a deep respect for life from conception to natural death; we pray to the Lord.
For medical workers who have renounced their involvement in abortion, may they obtain peace and consolation through the mercy of God, and may their conversions inspire others to respect the gift of life; we pray to the Lord.
For doctors and all who have assisted in the abortion of a child, or in the suicide of a person who was old or weak, that they might turn from the shadow of death and embrace the light of the Gospel of Life; we pray to the Lord.
For those who work to build a culture of life
For those working to build a culture of life where every person is welcomed as a gift from God, may they be strengthened through the grace of Christ; we pray to the Lord.
For all who work to develop a culture that welcomes and respects life, that their faith may be strengthened and their work bear fruit; we pray to the Lord.
For those who are discouraged in their work to build a culture of life, may they be renewed by the power of the Holy Spirit; we pray to the Lord.
Couples & Families in difficulties
For all couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage that, through the intercession of Saint Rita, they may do what is necessary to uphold the sanctity of their marriage and find strength, hope and healing in the Sacraments, we pray to the Lord.
For married couples who are experiencing difficulty in conceiving a child, may God comfort them in their suffering and may they find hope and healing in morally accepted reproductive techniques like NaProTechnology; we pray to the Lord.
For couples who are struggling with the cross of infertility, may the Holy Spirit fill them with trust in God’s loving plan and give them the grace to embrace this plan; we pray to the Lord.
For all couples who are using contraception in their marriage, that the Lord give them the strength and the courage to understand the truth and the beauty of their sexuality and embrace God’s plan for love and life through natural family planning, we pray to the Lord.
For all couples facing an unexpected pregnancy, may the Lord give them peace, hope and love for their child; we pray to the Lord.
For married couples and families who are struggling financially or living in poverty – that God would provide for their needs and increase their trust in Him, we pray to the Lord.
For families experiencing difficulties, that they may embrace life by embracing the peace of the Holy Spirit, we pray to the Lord.
For families whose homes have been darkened by miscarriage, that the light of Christ will pierce through their suffering and bring them hope; we pray to the Lord.
For all families concerned with how to provide for their loved ones, especially expectant mothers: May they turn to the Lord, trusting in His providence, and experience the support of the Christian community; we pray to the Lord.
For married couples struggling with infertility: may Jesus draw close to them in this time, and give them the grace to trust in His loving plan for their marriage; we pray to the Lord.
Marriage, Couples & Families
For all married couples that through their union as a husband and wife they will reflect the love that God Himself is, we pray to the Lord.
For all married couples, that they may be open to receive courage from the Lord to be open to new life; we pray to the Lord.
For engaged couples, that once married, they may use the grace they receive from the sacrament to live a true gift of self, we pray to the Lord.
That all engaged couples may recognize the high calling of their unique vocation to love one another as Christ loves the Church, we pray to the Lord.
For families everywhere to become living reflections of God’s love; we pray to the Lord.
For married couples: may they experience deeper unity in their marriage, and a mutual desire to receive all God’s blessings of life and holiness for them, we pray to the Lord.
For all expectant mothers facing difficult challenges, may Christ strengthen their faith and provide for their needs; we pray to the Lord.
For all mothers, may they continue to be blessed as fruitful participants in God’s love; we pray to the Lord.
For mothers considering abortion, that through the intercession of St. John the Baptist, who praised the Lord as an unborn infant, the Lord might give them courage to welcome the gift of their child; We pray to the Lord.
For mothers: may they know the beauty of their maternal love, and be refreshed this day in faith, hope, and love, we pray to the Lord.
Dignity of Women
For all women to become fully aware of the greatness of their mission in building the Church, we pray to The Lord.
For all women to embrace their vocation fully and to be true witnesses to the beauty and dignity of women, we pray to The Lord.
For all women, that they take Our Lady as an example for their lives and to resemble Her in Her docility to the Holy Spirit, Her humility and self-surrender to the will of the Father, we pray to the Lord.
Men & Fatherhood
For all men, that they may joyfully discover and live their spiritual fatherhood;we pray to the Lord.
For all men, that they may take Saint Joseph for their model of humility, courage, obedience, selfless love and chastity and be faithful husbands and fathers, strong leaders so that families everywhere may become living reflections of God’s love, we pray to the Lord.
For all men, that they may be faithful husbands and fathers, strong leaders and good stewards in the community and humble followers of Christ so that marriages can be built on strong foundations, we pray to the Lord.
For Fathers that they will be strengthened in their vocation to protect, guide, and love their wives and children, , we pray to the Lord.
In Thanksgiving for the Gift of Life
For our parish community: may each of us be given a renewed sense of wonder at the gift of our own lives, and find words to praise God the Father for this gift.
For all Christians: may our hearts be set aflame with love for the Lord of life, and embrace more fully the gift of life that we have been given.
For all Christians: may we hear today God’s call to each of us to be His beloved disciples, chosen and sent to bring His message of love and mercy to an aching world.
For Those Tempted to Abortion
For all pregnant women tempted to abortion: may they receive the support and encouragement they need to embrace the precious gift of their motherhood, we pray to the Lord.
For all women who are unexpectedly pregnant: may they be surrounded by loving community as they seek to welcome and support the new life of their child, we pray to the Lord.
For all pregnant mothers who are alone and afraid: may they know that Jesus is with them and for them, through the accompaniment of friends and family, we pray to the Lord.
For all pregnant mothers who are alone and afraid: may they feel the accompaniment of the Blessed Mother and be strengthened in their motherhood by her tender care, we pray to the Lord.
For new and expecting mothers and fathers: may they rejoice in the gift of their child and welcome them into their family with open hearts, we pray to the Lord.
For all couples faced with an unexpected pregnancy: may they see the hand of God in their life, guiding and providing all that they need to welcome their child as a special gift from Him, we pray to the Lord.
For our parish community: that we will offer our hearts, minds, and hands to God to be his instruments in welcoming and supporting all expectant parents who find themselves alone or afraid, we pray to the Lord.
End of Abortion
For all those who defend the unborn, that they may be persistent and faithful in their witness as they strive to build a culture of life; we pray to the Lord.
For all women facing an unexpected pregnancy, may they receive the necessary love and support needed from family and friends in order to open their hearts to choose life for their child; we pray to the Lord.
For children awaiting adoption, may the Lord inspire loving families to welcome and nurture them; we pray to the Lord.
For birthparents placing their children with adoptive families that they receive abundant support, we pray to the Lord.
Post-Abortion Healing
For those involved in post-abortion healing ministry, that the Father of mercy would fill them with the necessary grace and compassion to minister to those in need of healing; we pray to the Lord.
For those who have been involved in abortion, that they may experience love and mercy through the Churchand God’s healing power in the sacraments; we pray to the Lord.
For all who have suffered from the traumatic effects of abortion: that they may find peace in the love of Jesus Christ and be guided by hope to seek refuge in the Lord’s mercy; we pray to the Lord.
For those who have suffered the loss of a child to abortion, may they be comforted in their grief and know that God’s healing mercy is without limit; we pray to the Lord.
For men and women experiencing shame and hurt after participating in an abortion, may they have the courage to receive the Lord’s forgiveness, healing, and freedom; we pray to the Lord.
For the Vulnerable (Unborn, Sick, dying, poor, elderly..)
For the vulnerable in our society - the unborn, the elderly, migrants, and the poor, that they may be welcomed as gifts of God and treated with respect, dignity and love; we pray to the Lord.
For all who are ill and for their caregivers that they draw strength from the Sacred Heart of Jesus and join their suffering to the redemptive passion of Our Lord for the salvation of souls, we pray to the Lord.
For those who are poor, sick, unborn and elderly: that they may know the Father’s great love and healing power and that they may find acceptance and help through the care of our Christian community, we pray to the Lord.
For the terminally ill and their families, that they may be given comfort and support in their time of need; we pray to the Lord.
For those facing the death penalty and all affected by their crimes, may God’s merciful love bring about reconciliation and peace; we pray to the Lord
For the unborn, may they be welcomed into the world with love, joy and the support they need to flourish; we pray to the Lord.
For all of us, that God gives us His grace and love to be able to comfort the elderly who feel isolated and lonely and to meet the suffering Christ in the sick; we pray to the Lord.