Parish Respect Life Coordinator
"Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give."
Your parish needs you! Thank you for your Yes to the Lord to help us in our mission.
Each one of us is fashioned in a unique way to carry God's plan of salvation in the world. Our calling, gifts, talents and abilities are all gift from God, gifts for us to use to build His kingdom and bring others closer to Him. As Our Lord says "Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give." Giving back by using our gifts & time is a great way to be grateful to God for His goodness. Your parish needs you to help build a culture of life and civilization of love!! We need you to actively engage people in your parish about Respect Life/Family Life issues and to reach out to various ministries to raise awareness that fosters Respect Life action in the community. Your responsibilities as a Respect Life coordinator are not different from the responsibilities of every baptized Maronite Catholic called to be active participant in the building of his/her Church:
With your pastor’s approval, we will assist you as you serve as a liaison between the Archdiocesan Respect Life Office, Office of Family and Sanctity of Life for the Eparchy of Saint Maron & your parish.
Your parish needs you! Thank you for your Yes to the Lord to help us in our mission.
Each one of us is fashioned in a unique way to carry God's plan of salvation in the world. Our calling, gifts, talents and abilities are all gift from God, gifts for us to use to build His kingdom and bring others closer to Him. As Our Lord says "Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give." Giving back by using our gifts & time is a great way to be grateful to God for His goodness. Your parish needs you to help build a culture of life and civilization of love!! We need you to actively engage people in your parish about Respect Life/Family Life issues and to reach out to various ministries to raise awareness that fosters Respect Life action in the community. Your responsibilities as a Respect Life coordinator are not different from the responsibilities of every baptized Maronite Catholic called to be active participant in the building of his/her Church:
- Develop or maintain a solid, consistent prayer life & frequent the Sacraments. If you don’t stay close to Christ, it is not possible to do His work. The Sacraments & prayer give you the graces you need. Ask for the intercessions of your patron Saints, of the Saints with whom you have found a spiritual friendship, of your Guardian Angel, and of Saint Michael.
- Be familiar with the Church teachings on life issues found in Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the USCCB Plan for Pro-Life Activities .
- Develop a relationship with your pastor; learn about his intentions for the parish.
- Act in accord with Christ’s will in obedience to your pastor, the Bishop, and the Church.
- At all times speak the Truth in Charity.
- Know yourself, your strengths & weaknesses…pray for humility & courage to have the knowledge & the courage you need…Christ has called you to this work, and He will equip you to do it if you allow Him to do so.
- Know your parish…you are a leader…know the strengths & weaknesses of your parish in order that you may see the unique gift that your parish is & call upon others who have a unique gift to offer…you are both a servant & a leader!
With your pastor’s approval, we will assist you as you serve as a liaison between the Archdiocesan Respect Life Office, Office of Family and Sanctity of Life for the Eparchy of Saint Maron & your parish.
Brochure of the Office of Family and Sanctity of Life
You can access a pdf copy of the brochure that was created few years to explain briefly our mission of coordinating with all the parishes of the Eparchy of Saint Maron to proclaim the Gospel of Life and affirm the dignity of every human person through prayer, education, outreach, and public policy in order to defend and inspire a culture of life.
Respect Life Leader handbook
This booklet was created few years ago to assist you in organizing and implementing the efforts of the Bishops' Pastoral Plan for Pro-life Activities through four areas: public information and education, public policy advocacy, outreach and pastoral care, prayer and worship. The list of suggestions go way beyond the list in this handbook. If you browse our website, you will find more resources, suggestions, events and programs that can be used in different parishes based on the logistics of the parish and the needs of the parishioners. You can access a pdf copy of it here.
Printable copies can be mailed to you if you like. Please request your copy by contacting us.
Printable copies can be mailed to you if you like. Please request your copy by contacting us.
Post Abortion Healing Flyer
So many people suffer abortion and don't realize there are many opportunities for healing and hope. You can help them by posting a flyer and sharing information about healing post abortion services. You can check here.