Healing - Post Abortion Services
These organizations provide healing services to men and women who have suffered abortion.
These organizations provide healing services to men and women who have suffered abortion.
Sisters of Life
Sisters of Life provide day/weekend retreats, & f/u gatherings.
Toll free: 866.575.0075 or
[email protected]
Sisters of Life provide day/weekend retreats, & f/u gatherings.
Toll free: 866.575.0075 or
[email protected]
A ray of light in abortion's darkness
(718) 881-8008 or (877) 586-4621
Contact Theresa Bonapartis for more information. Lumina provides referrals for peer group support, post–abortion ministers & clergy, professional counselors.
Project Rachel
There is hope after abortion
888-456-HOPE (4673)
Project Rachel – www.hopeafterabortion.org
Project Rachel, the Catholic Church's ministry to those who have been involved in abortion, is a diocesan-based network of specially trained priests, religious, counselors, and laypersons.
Rachel’s Vineyard – www.rachelsvineyard.org
Hope Alive – www.messengers2.com
Ramah International – www.ramahinternational.org
Healing Hearts – www.web-light.com/heart
P.A.C.E (Post Abortion Counseling and Education) – 800/395-HELP
Note to all Clergy & Respect Life coordinators:
So many women and men in the pews are hurting deep inside maybe without knowing that it is related to an abortion they did in the past. We need to let them know that there is hope and healing, that the light shines in the darkness, that God’s mercy is greater than any committed sin.
Since this is a very private topic that most people don’t feel comfortable talking about, I want to suggest two ways to share this information with your parishioners in a very respectful non judgmental way.
1- Below you will find an announcement that you can post in the bulletin, on the bulletin board or the website:
Do you know someone who is carrying the grief of a past abortion? There is help and hope available and the pain and sorrow of abortion need not endure for a lifetime. A “Day of Prayer and Healing” offers the opportunity to experience the love and mercy of God and to heal the wound of abortion. For dates, location and confidential registration call the Sisters of Life at (866)-575-0075 (toll free) or email [email protected]. For additional retreats and information, see Lumina Hope & Healing after abortion http://postabortionhelp.org/pah/ or email [email protected].
Days of Prayer and Healing for Men - For more information or to register for men please call Lumina at 877.586.4621 or email [email protected]
You can also contact a local Project Rachel Ministry in your state at http://hopeafterabortion.com/ or by calling the nationwide toll-free number for 888-456-HOPE (4673) during regular business hours (Eastern Time Zone).
2- To encourage people to seek help in a very private way via those organizations, you can print and post the colored flyers (below) on the back of the inside of the restroom door in the sacristy, the social hall. This flyer can be used in men’s and women’s restroom.
For copies of the Post Abortion Healing flyer with the Sisters of Life contact information on it ( great for NY, NJ, CT, MA..), please click here.
For copies of the Post Abortion Healing flyer with Project Rachel Ministry contact information on it, please click here.