Palliative Care
Palliative care provides comfort care specialized in providing patients relief from pain and other symptoms pf serious illnesses. The videos below can help you understand more about end of life care (palliative care and hospice care) and end of life decisions.
The Archdiocese of Melbourne in Australia has created lot of resources to educate the laity on palliative care and euthanasia which can be accessed below.
The Archdiocese of Melbourne in Australia has created lot of resources to educate the laity on palliative care and euthanasia which can be accessed below.
Killing the Pain Not the Patient: Palliative Care vs Assisted Suicide
The USCCB website provides an article highlighting the difference between palliative care and assisted suicide. It can be accessed here.
End of Life
Does your family need guidance on how to think through the decisions facing you as a loved one nears the end of his or her life?
This Catholic Guide by the NYS Catholic Conference is designed to explain the moral principles of Catholic teaching in end-of-life decision-making and outlines the options that exist in NY State for advanced care planning.
For more clarity, guidance and resources go to Catholic End of Life Website
For resources in your state, click here
This Catholic Guide by the NYS Catholic Conference is designed to explain the moral principles of Catholic teaching in end-of-life decision-making and outlines the options that exist in NY State for advanced care planning.
For more clarity, guidance and resources go to Catholic End of Life Website
For resources in your state, click here
Now and at the Hour of Our Death A Catholic Guide to End-of-Life Decision-Making can be downloaded here.
Support for your aging loved one in the Archdiocese of New York can be found here.
Many resources are available on this issue on the USCCB website and some are listed below.
Beyond Terminal Illness
Bishops Approve Items on Marriage, Reproductive Technologies, Medically Assisted Nutrition And Hydration
Bishops' Statement: To Live Each Day
Caring for Grandma Helen
From Voluntary to Involuntary
Guidelines for Legislation on Life-Sustaining Treatment
Human Dignity in the 'Vegetative' State
In Newsday Op-Ed, Bishops' Official Says Terri Schiavo Deserves Nourishment and Care, March 24, 2005
Letter to the Senate on the Pain Relief Promotion Act
Moral Principles Concerning Infants with Anencephaly
Pope's Speech is About Human Dignity
Prayer Resources
Q&A on Nutrition and Hydration for Patients in a "Vegetative State"
Seeing People as God sees Them
Statement on Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act
To Live Each Day with Dignity
To Live Each Day with Dignity with Links
Beyond Terminal Illness
Bishops Approve Items on Marriage, Reproductive Technologies, Medically Assisted Nutrition And Hydration
Bishops' Statement: To Live Each Day
Caring for Grandma Helen
From Voluntary to Involuntary
Guidelines for Legislation on Life-Sustaining Treatment
Human Dignity in the 'Vegetative' State
In Newsday Op-Ed, Bishops' Official Says Terri Schiavo Deserves Nourishment and Care, March 24, 2005
Letter to the Senate on the Pain Relief Promotion Act
Moral Principles Concerning Infants with Anencephaly
Pope's Speech is About Human Dignity
Prayer Resources
Q&A on Nutrition and Hydration for Patients in a "Vegetative State"
Seeing People as God sees Them
Statement on Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act
To Live Each Day with Dignity
To Live Each Day with Dignity with Links