As we launch this series of online talks hosted by the Office of Family and Sanctity of Life, no one is as equipped and qualified to address such topic as the Sisters of Life.
The Sisters of Life are a religious community of women founded in 1991 by John Cardinal O’Connor who take a fourth vow to protect and enhance the sacredness of human life. Immersed in Eucharistic prayer within a vibrant community life, their missions include caring for vulnerable pregnant women and their unborn children; inviting those wounded by abortion into the healing mercy of Jesus; fostering a culture of life through evangelization; retreat works; spiritual accompaniment of college students; and upholding the beauty of marriage and family life.
The Sisters of Life are a religious community of women founded in 1991 by John Cardinal O’Connor who take a fourth vow to protect and enhance the sacredness of human life. Immersed in Eucharistic prayer within a vibrant community life, their missions include caring for vulnerable pregnant women and their unborn children; inviting those wounded by abortion into the healing mercy of Jesus; fostering a culture of life through evangelization; retreat works; spiritual accompaniment of college students; and upholding the beauty of marriage and family life.

Sister Beata Victoria, SV was raised in Belleville, ON, Canada, and graduated from the University of Ottawa with a degree in communications and from the University of King’s College in Halifax with a degree in journalism. She entered the Sisters of Life in 2017, and professed first vows on August 4, 2020. Sister Beata Victoria currently lives at St. Frances de Chantal Convent in the Bronx, NY, and serves in the community’s mission of evangelization. She loves sharing the truth of each person’s call to sanctity.

Join us on Thursday November 19, 2020 at 7:00 - 8:15pm
Bishop Gregory Mansour will join us and lead us in opening prayer.
Sister Beata Victoria will share with us insights to build a culture of life. Listening to the Sisters of Life is great delight, their joy is radiant and contagious!!!
Q & A will follow Sister Beata's talk
You can find out more about the Sisters of Life by exploring their website here.
Bishop Gregory Mansour will join us and lead us in opening prayer.
Sister Beata Victoria will share with us insights to build a culture of life. Listening to the Sisters of Life is great delight, their joy is radiant and contagious!!!
Q & A will follow Sister Beata's talk
You can find out more about the Sisters of Life by exploring their website here.
Zoom Link Information
Topic: Building a Culture of Life Webinar - Bishop Gregory Mansour and Sr Beata Victoria
Time: Nov 19, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Topic: Building a Culture of Life Webinar - Bishop Gregory Mansour and Sr Beata Victoria
Time: Nov 19, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 845 3104 0716
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